Good use of your conference room space can help your employees be more productive and creative when working in teams. Your conference room needs to utilize good design, comfortable office furniture, and the proper equipment for your employees to feel comfortable and to enhance teamwork. Consider the following do’s and don’ts when creating your office’s conference space.

Do: Invest in Standard Equipment

The right technology can make all the difference in productivity and efficiency.
Whiteboard: Whiteboard can help team members discuss ideas and plan projects quickly and easily.

Food/beverage area: If you’re conducting longer meetings, especially those that last through lunch, you want to be sure your employees are able to fuel their creative ideas.

Don’t: Fall Short on Design

Your conference space needs to look and feel comfortable for those using it. Keep the room clean, tie up loose cords, and provide up-to-date equipment so that your employees can use the room when they need it.

Do: Minimize Distractions

Your conference room design should be comfortable and free of distractions to increase productivity and damage teamwork.

Don’t: Crowd the Room

You should inspire an atmosphere of equality and collaboration. In order for everyone to share thoughts, it’s important to avoid furniture that might put someone at the head of the group or excessive talkers in the way of those who may be a bit quieter.

The design of your conference room will make all the difference in how your employees utilize it. Insufficient space, equipment, or furniture will make group members uncomfortable and less likely to engage in teamwork. Providing an open, distraction-free space will give your employees the means to be more creative and more productive.