

The field of ergonomics is so broad that it addresses how everyone interacts with the crafted environment, including sitting postures their environment encourages them to take & movements it requires them to make. The goal is for those interactions to be as natural and healthy as possible.


Guide To Choosing the Right Ergonomic Office Chair


Working in an office typically involves spending most of your time sitting down in a chair at a computer - a position that can add stress to any part of the body. To avoid straining the spine it is important to have a workspace that works for you ergonomically. The Back Store explores office ergonomics and illustrates some simple solutions you can implement today.


Imagine how your productivity would be affected if you were always fatigued, in pain, or otherwise uncomfortable during the workday. Now multiply that by your whole team. When no one is at their best, everyone’s stress increases, while overall productivity plummets. Keeping workplace ergonomics in mind like controlling screen glare, reducing motion, improving posture, and positioning equipment at ideal heights and reaches can help increase efficiency and employee engagement.


Final Points


Improving workplace ergonomics can also lower stress by reducing sick days, injuries, and long-term health problems that can negatively affect a person’s career. After all, if your team isn’t distracted by physical discomfort, they can better focus on doing their jobs.


Thus by eliminating unnecessary movements and reducing physical demands, companies can lower their injury rates and compensation costs as well as reduce employee turnover.