Overview Observation


Have you felt otherwise unexplainable back pain lately/recently? Your sitting posture might be considered a culprit. People who work at the system all day naturally tend to put a lot of strain on their backs. It's because desk work doesn't exactly encourage excellent posture. 


Get to know Why is Ergonomics So Important for Computer Users


An ideal professional office chair must be chosen according to professional needs considering all the aesthetics. Sitting over the same chair all day and even every day is a fact of life for most people. 




An ideal professional office chair must be chosen according to professional needs considering all the aesthetics. Sitting over the same chair all day and even every day is a fact of life for most people. When it comes to the price of a particular chair, you better know how much you can afford.


If you slouch at your desk, bend over the keyboard typing the texts, and have improper sitting support; then you might be wreaking havoc on your spine, muscles, & joints. 

Considering every one of us spends half of our working hours sitting, if you suffer from lower back pain, learning the dos & don’ts of how to sit is the key thing for not only preventing the condition from getting worsen but also improving it gradually.



As we know that progressive-advancements in the latest technologies have fastened up the working process. It has reduced the burden of fieldwork and going out in the sun and looking for work & clients. 

Such 9-5 desk job has its demerits and real-life issues.


The ideal desk job involves sitting the whole day on the chair, which harms your spine and backbone. 

The quality of foam used and the back support from the furniture used in the office or at the workplace is generally ignored. So, you are now used to that back pain and discomfort while working.